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In Utero Infection by Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Is Sufficient To Increase Susceptibility of Piglets to Challenge by Streptococcus suis Type II




Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) consistently elevates the frequency of disease and mortality in young pigs. Many different secondary bacterial diseases occur in PRRS virus (PRRSV)-infected pigs. However, to date, establishing a reproducible experimental model of PRRSV infection in weaned pigs, with subsequent clinical disease following secondary bacterial challenge, has been difficult. PRRSV is frequently isolated during outbreaks from weak-born piglets affected by secondary bacterial diseases. This study was performed to investigate the potential role of intrauterine PRRSV infection on piglet susceptibility to secondary bacterial infection. PRRSV-free pregnant sows were intranasally infected at 98 days of gestation with PRRSV strain SD 23983. All piglets born to the PRRSV-infected sows were viremic. Piglets were removed from the sows at birth and deprived of colostrum. Piglets from PRRSV-infected and noninfected sows were randomly assigned to Streptococcus suis challenge or control subgroups. At 5 days of age, piglets were challenged intranasally with strain MN 87555 of S. suis type II. Total and differential leukocyte counts were performed on blood samples collected at 3 days of age. The numbers of leukocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes were significantly reduced in the PRRSV-infected piglets. Lesions were observed in bone marrow, brain, lung, heart, spleen, lymph node, tonsil, and thymus of PRRSV-infected piglets. Thymus/body weight ratios of in utero PRRSV-infected piglets were significantly reduced compared to those of non-PRRSV-infected piglets, and thymic lesions were characterized by severe cortical depletion of thymocytes. Lesions were not observed in piglets born to PRRSV-free sows. Overall, 20 out of 22 piglets in the PRRSV-S. suis dual-infection group died within 1 week after challenge with S. suis (10 of 11 in each of two trials). This contrasts with 1 of 18 piglets in the PRRSV-infection-only group and 5 of 23 piglets in the S. suis-challenge-only group (1 of 12 in trial 1 and 4 of 11 in trial 2). No piglets died in the uninfected control groups. Most of the piglets in the PRRSV-S. suis dual-infection group developed suppurative meningitis. S. suis type II was recovered from their brains and joints. These results indicate that in utero infection by PRRSV makes piglets more susceptible to infection and disease following challenge by S. suis type II. In utero infection by PRRSV may provide a useful model to study the interaction between PRRSV and bacterial coinfections in piglets.
机译:猪繁殖与呼吸综合症(PRRS)不断提高幼猪的发病率和死亡率。在PRRS病毒(PRRSV)感染的猪中会发生许多不同的继发细菌性疾病。然而,迄今为止,建立断奶猪PRRSV感染的可再现实验模型以及继发于细菌继发的继发性临床疾病一直很困难。 PRRSV经常在暴发期间从受到继发性细菌性疾病影响的弱势仔猪中分离出来。进行这项研究以调查宫内PRRSV感染对仔猪对继发性细菌感染的敏感性。妊娠98天时,无PRRSV的怀孕母猪经鼻内感染PRRSV株SD23983。所有感染PRRSV的母猪所生的仔猪均为病毒血症。仔猪在出生时就从母猪中移出,并没有初乳。将来自PRRSV感染和未感染母猪的仔猪随机分为猪链球菌激发或对照组亚组。在5日龄时,用II型猪链球菌MN 87555株鼻内攻击仔猪。对3天龄采集的血样进行总白细胞计数和差异白细胞计数。 PRRSV感染的仔猪中白细胞,淋巴细胞和单核细胞的数量显着减少。在感染PRRSV的仔猪的骨髓,脑,肺,心脏,脾脏,淋巴结,扁桃体和胸腺中观察到病变。与未感染PRRSV的仔猪相比,子宫内PRRSV感染的仔猪的胸腺/体重比显着降低,并且胸腺病变的特征是胸腺细胞皮层严重耗竭。在无PRRSV的母猪出生的仔猪中未观察到病变。总体而言,PRRSV-S的22头仔猪中有20头。猪双重感染组在受到猪链球菌攻击后1周内死亡(两次试验中的每11次中有10次死亡)。这与仅PRRSV感染组的18只仔猪中的1只和猪链球菌挑战组的23只仔猪中的5只(试验1中的12只中的1只和试验2中的11只中的4只)形成对比。在未感染的对照组中没有仔猪死亡。 PRRSV-S中的大多数仔猪。猪双重感染组发展为化脓性脑膜炎。从他们的大脑和关节中发现了II型猪链球菌。这些结果表明,PRRSV在子宫内的感染使仔猪更易受到II型猪链球菌的攻击和感染。 PRRSV在子宫内的感染可能为研究PRRSV与仔猪细菌共感染之间的相互作用提供有用的模型。



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